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The Vespertines- Lepers&Leopards

I play drums. We Have an official music video in the process... actually more than one. So K.I.T.


Today I will be in the Desert

Today Im going out to El Mirage Dry Lake and Rainbow Basin to location scout for my short film. Weather is looking nice tomorrow, well besides the low of 36F but we shall survive.

Heres a video that is totally unrelated. UNLESS you are including how hard we are going to party tonight.




Heath Ledger&Modest Mouse

Idk if you know, but I think Heath Ledger is a genius in some of the things he did. The Direction of this video is just crazy! It made an impact on me, hopefully you take it all in. Enjoy!


mind trip

Think about this..... Did you know some people interpret EVERYTHING backwards? For example: Lucy Told Ross "Your shirt doesn't look good on you" But Ross Heard "Your shirt looks so good on you!"
Because while in the womb a Macrolite bug got into his brain and affected the part that connects relationships and how to connect certain dots. No Cure.

Another thing.... There are some AMAZING bands out there. And a lot of them are nowhere right now. Its sooo crazzy. I need all of YOU! to go listen to some new music. Go search somewhere, go! Get over to your local record store, go to the band you typed in your phone that one night cause you 'just haddd to remember it'. So make your contribution to making a musicians dream come that much closer. ILY

Heres some stuff going on here in Long Beach, and a few of my top bands you may not know of.

And im not saying these bands aren't anywhere cause some of them are doing rather well.



I like this song as well...I never heard it before today. And hopefully I am bringing you something new, even though this is old.


This is one of my favorite bands, they hit that hard to reach spot on my back.
The Kills-Black Balloon


Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison...They are AMAZING.



I love Lykke Li. She must have Magic in her veins cause what she does is wayyy too amazing.


Only once

I will rarely blog about Beyonce and have it not be about how Gorgeous she is. But this is one of those times. This video she has is pretty awesome. The Director Adria Petty is dope.


kanye West

Here is a short film done By Spike Jonze(Where The Wild things are) starring an intoxicated Kanye West.


Yeah yeah....YEAH!

So Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs wrote this song for the movie 'Where the Wild things Are" which I am sure is a soon if not already ALL TIME favorite of everyone. I am going to see it on monday. I work too much fri-sun to go out at all.



Every now and then I get some really cool things brought to my attention. Here is Vampire Weekends New song 'Horchata' To be released in Jan. They are also going to be playing here in Long Beach at the Art Theatre... Sold out already Sorry :(


I like to get new clothes. I love to get new clothes for cheap. Winter is here and it is time for some long overdue manly shopping on my part.

Long Beach

Ohhhhh I love long Beach, and I love cold war kids AND I love drumming. So when I heard The Cold War Kids Drummer from Long Beach decided to make a film I can say I was more than excited(especially since I am doing the same exact thing).


Where the Wild things Are

Here is a interview done on the art involved in the upcoming film "Where The Wild things are" I am so excited for this. I get to be a kid again for a couple hours. Not that I ever grew up in some parts of my mind...ANYWAYS, check it out! It is really interesting. And of course some music from the soundtrack as well is below.


Band Of skulls...I heard about them about a month ago now when I Bought the new Album "Baby Darling Doll face Honey" from
Fingerprints record store in Long Beach, CA. ANYWAYS they are SO AMAZING! I saw them live at Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa the
same day I bought the Album. AMMMMAAAAZZZING. Well chick this video out.

'I know What I am'


Weather is Changing

Ok...So remember what i told you about the short stop motion film/movie im doing? Well It is SO AMAZING!!! As I am writing this magical story that is inspired so much by my childhood and my daydreams and lack of focus on what is around me....I got this feeling like 'Chica Chica YEaaaa This is THE SHIIIIIIT'. Ya know? I am aiming to have it done by Jan. 1st since that is when my book is due....I may have to extend that deadline as much as I hate to, I also dont want to rush it. I have to finish writing the story, location scout, Cast, and build shit and A LOT of other very important things....I need an assistant. Yup. I need a smart one too.

Either way....Here is Tegan And Sara-Back in Your Head




The Dead Weather is so amazing! I love everything these
people do.

I am currently writing a short story and despite it being short....I have writers block. I think this is because I have never experience what I am trying to tell in the story. So recently I have been trying to accomplish it which is stupid because it is supposed to take time. But I figure if I get the general idea it should be fine. You will see later! But I will give you a short bio on it of what I have so far.

I am going to make a 3.5minute stop motion short story. It is going to have some elements of a fairy tale, a love story, a story of heartbreak and lots of cool trippy effects and awesome emotion. All in under four minutes.


This Friday my band The Vespertines and On Blast are having a show. Should be pretty amazing.

Heres something for your ears,eyes and minds.

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