This blog is about the things going on in the life of a Fine Art Photographer.

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Lady Gaga Burns

(click the picture!!)

Recntly I did a shoot with this group called FAME....this is one of the images we did. This still has some editing to be done. I just couldnt wait any longer to post it though. Ok.... Off to work now! 


In love with you

So I was going to spend a lot of money on a new Camera... but after some thought I have a better idea! The best ideas seem to happen when you are really really cheap and need to do things super duper low budget and with that DIY attitude. Obviously you wont hear my idea today.... but you will see it soon.


These guys arent girls!

GIRLS "Ghost Mouth" Live at Space 15 Twenty from Space 15 Twenty on Vimeo.


john Mayer

Not going to lie on this one... John Mayer is DOPE. I just got his album 'Battle Studies'.

I have been to a few of his shows...i think 3? Each one was amazing and different. So turn off the lights and get stoned to this album. 


Thats really cool because

Common Feat. Cee-Lo - Make My Day from Wealthy Pictures on Vimeo.

The Men Who Stare at Goats

This movie looks really good. Are you up to take a trip to the Long Beach Art theatre and see this?



I love art books. I love Architecture books. THIS IS PERFECT.



One of the bands performing is Tiger Tank Euphoria and they are pretty awesome. I posted a live video of them below. My Band Feed The Feeble will also be performing...I am pretty sure I get a drum solo...So if anything, come for that! haha I love drum solos.



Chris Walker :)

So here is a short me and Andy made a few days ago while out on a location scouting trip in the Mojave Desert.
We were in a rush so we didnt get to spend too much time playing around, but here is what we did do!


Jodi Bieber

This South African Has some really amazing images in her portfolio.



The Vespertines- Lepers&Leopards

I play drums. We Have an official music video in the process... actually more than one. So K.I.T.


Today I will be in the Desert

Today Im going out to El Mirage Dry Lake and Rainbow Basin to location scout for my short film. Weather is looking nice tomorrow, well besides the low of 36F but we shall survive.

Heres a video that is totally unrelated. UNLESS you are including how hard we are going to party tonight.




Heath Ledger&Modest Mouse

Idk if you know, but I think Heath Ledger is a genius in some of the things he did. The Direction of this video is just crazy! It made an impact on me, hopefully you take it all in. Enjoy!


mind trip

Think about this..... Did you know some people interpret EVERYTHING backwards? For example: Lucy Told Ross "Your shirt doesn't look good on you" But Ross Heard "Your shirt looks so good on you!"
Because while in the womb a Macrolite bug got into his brain and affected the part that connects relationships and how to connect certain dots. No Cure.

Another thing.... There are some AMAZING bands out there. And a lot of them are nowhere right now. Its sooo crazzy. I need all of YOU! to go listen to some new music. Go search somewhere, go! Get over to your local record store, go to the band you typed in your phone that one night cause you 'just haddd to remember it'. So make your contribution to making a musicians dream come that much closer. ILY

Heres some stuff going on here in Long Beach, and a few of my top bands you may not know of.

And im not saying these bands aren't anywhere cause some of them are doing rather well.



I like this song as well...I never heard it before today. And hopefully I am bringing you something new, even though this is old.


This is one of my favorite bands, they hit that hard to reach spot on my back.
The Kills-Black Balloon


Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison...They are AMAZING.



I love Lykke Li. She must have Magic in her veins cause what she does is wayyy too amazing.


Only once

I will rarely blog about Beyonce and have it not be about how Gorgeous she is. But this is one of those times. This video she has is pretty awesome. The Director Adria Petty is dope.


kanye West

Here is a short film done By Spike Jonze(Where The Wild things are) starring an intoxicated Kanye West.


Yeah yeah....YEAH!

So Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs wrote this song for the movie 'Where the Wild things Are" which I am sure is a soon if not already ALL TIME favorite of everyone. I am going to see it on monday. I work too much fri-sun to go out at all.



Every now and then I get some really cool things brought to my attention. Here is Vampire Weekends New song 'Horchata' To be released in Jan. They are also going to be playing here in Long Beach at the Art Theatre... Sold out already Sorry :(


I like to get new clothes. I love to get new clothes for cheap. Winter is here and it is time for some long overdue manly shopping on my part.

Long Beach

Ohhhhh I love long Beach, and I love cold war kids AND I love drumming. So when I heard The Cold War Kids Drummer from Long Beach decided to make a film I can say I was more than excited(especially since I am doing the same exact thing).


Where the Wild things Are

Here is a interview done on the art involved in the upcoming film "Where The Wild things are" I am so excited for this. I get to be a kid again for a couple hours. Not that I ever grew up in some parts of my mind...ANYWAYS, check it out! It is really interesting. And of course some music from the soundtrack as well is below.


Band Of skulls...I heard about them about a month ago now when I Bought the new Album "Baby Darling Doll face Honey" from
Fingerprints record store in Long Beach, CA. ANYWAYS they are SO AMAZING! I saw them live at Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa the
same day I bought the Album. AMMMMAAAAZZZING. Well chick this video out.

'I know What I am'


Weather is Changing

Ok...So remember what i told you about the short stop motion film/movie im doing? Well It is SO AMAZING!!! As I am writing this magical story that is inspired so much by my childhood and my daydreams and lack of focus on what is around me....I got this feeling like 'Chica Chica YEaaaa This is THE SHIIIIIIT'. Ya know? I am aiming to have it done by Jan. 1st since that is when my book is due....I may have to extend that deadline as much as I hate to, I also dont want to rush it. I have to finish writing the story, location scout, Cast, and build shit and A LOT of other very important things....I need an assistant. Yup. I need a smart one too.

Either way....Here is Tegan And Sara-Back in Your Head




The Dead Weather is so amazing! I love everything these
people do.

I am currently writing a short story and despite it being short....I have writers block. I think this is because I have never experience what I am trying to tell in the story. So recently I have been trying to accomplish it which is stupid because it is supposed to take time. But I figure if I get the general idea it should be fine. You will see later! But I will give you a short bio on it of what I have so far.

I am going to make a 3.5minute stop motion short story. It is going to have some elements of a fairy tale, a love story, a story of heartbreak and lots of cool trippy effects and awesome emotion. All in under four minutes.


This Friday my band The Vespertines and On Blast are having a show. Should be pretty amazing.

Heres something for your ears,eyes and minds.


Hawk Lady

Here is LadyHawke's song 'Back of the Van'.


Well Thought out

West Virginia state flower:

The Rhododendron

The rhododendrons growing in Washington, or among the redwoods of California, or clothing the slopes of the Alleghenies with impenetrable thickets and in early summer glorifying them with bloom, are worth going far to see.

Just thought I would share that with you. In other news:
Watch this chick play the saw.

Wasnt that amazing?


The System


Ever since I saw them on Tv live a few years ago I have just fell in love with everything they do, And I
do not love easily. Actually I am having a little problem with that...but we can save that for our bar conversation.
Anyways check out
Metric-Sick Muse


Here is one of the three images I will be entering in the APA National Photo Contest this month. One of the other pictures is on my website. And The last one I just created today and will only be viewable to my facebook and twitter friends as well as whoever purchases my book when that comes out early next year.



This band is so Dope. and Fresh. Perhaps Freshly Dope?!?! idk....but I dig it
And guess what....ITS SWEDISH! Sweden has been coming up more often on my Radar
lately...maybe we should be paying a bit more attention to them eh?
Well Check Out this video O'Spada - Time

oh....And late into the vid the break into a neo soul little jam...its so cool. Enjoy



Last night I had the wildest dream...It was about the Iphone? haha I know. I dont think I have ever had a dream about an electronic device. But this one was AWESOME! I got the phone in the mail...but no thats not it! It came with a yellow kayak, a giant poster of Sophie Marceau and a marching band. It was pretty damn awesome. Heres an Iphone 3G s vid. Not so much about the phone than it is about the girl. But that is OK :)


this week

Thursday there is a good show.

But my band might be playing as well at another venue that same day.... so keep an open mind :)


So I am sending out these Email promotions to help me get some new clients. If anyone wants to model...I can always use more faces. Let me know!
What do you think of these? I am also going to print out some postcards to put in my dad's tanning salon and a few of my friends that own shops will put up a stack somewhere in there.


Santana is the most amazing musician. He has the best band. Check this vid of him from woodstock.

Knew it.

Everyone knows this song.

If you dont... then here you go. The 60's look like a lot of fun. Awesome music... such awesome music!


Wussup Rockers

This movie is wild. Sex, Death, and Punk Rock, shown in a very interesting way. Check it out. Its not new or anything, i just happen to see it a few years later on Sundance.



Ok...I have been to a few of the WarPaint Shows and they are pretty amazing. Nuff said.


That shit didnt work(below).

New system

So from now on.... I have a new way of sharing my music with you.
Just click play :)

(click for website)

On Blast- 'Bad Girl'


kid Cudi&MGMT
I love it. MGMT is pretty awesome. and kid cudi is as well. This is a very good Colab.



Good French Swimwear Fashion Photography:
Photography by: Cedric Buchet

And that brings me to my next point... Hilary Rhoda. What a beautiful Woman, at 21 she is doing very well for her self. That is her above annnd, Hilary I just want you to know I am available. Let me know.

Little Bit

Lykke Li- Little Bit

She is such an amazing artist! Her voice is just so awesome. Check her out, she hits crazzzy highs.


Found this

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Its about blog sharing through another website of blogs...that connects the already connected blogs...but it works because it is another way besides the original old boring way. and We always want something new. Right?

Any ways.... meet my Friend, He sold me some poems in San Francisco. $5 for his lifes work. at least that is what he told me?

Hungry like a Wolf

DeWulf Concrete makes some frikken sweet stuff.

Lisa Wiseman

Lisa Wiseman is a very talented lady from san francisco. I have enjoyed her work ever since she won PDN's 30 top Photographers. Chosen from a selection of about 300 nominees.

(click picture for her website)
We Are scientist


Martin Solveig


Bat For Lashes
Oh Do I love a good looking woman on drums.


Dungeons and Dragons

But this is spelled and pronounced a bit differently...Here is an awesome band Called Dungen(Doon-yen?)

Birds Fly

And Birds Of Avalon are awesome.


I do.

as I am editing these engagement photos I decided I need to get in the mood for love.


I think I am going to go through a major change in the type of photography I do, I have an awesome idea. But this isnt about me, this post is about Marc Lagrange. He is a Belgium Photographer with an awesome vision, he pretty much just shoots beautiful women.


John Fruciante

What a great musician, with a wild story. Just to let you know this is a really abstract video. Not sure exactly what it is really.
From what I have read(via idiots) it is John Frusciante or Johnny Depp Filming in their junkie den. Music by John Fruciante.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs 'Heads Will Roll' is a good example of that
song you want to play when you walk into a club/party and everyone gazes at you, and nods in approval...cause your the shit.

Besides that....Next week Is my Shoot with Zack Armand. We will be creating another one of those group action shots. This one is going to
be just a little bit more....uhh, trippy? Should be fun. The location is the picture below. If you are from long beach and between the ages of 17-27 then you most likely
know where this is. But im going to give you a really tiny and hard to read photo just for that reason.



Besides that, here is a song by 'Innaway'. They are SUCH A GOOD BAND! Close your eyes, plug into the stereo and turn the lights off. Then Sit on the floor next to the bed or couch, lay your head back... and let your thoughts flow.



First off.... Are you following me on Twitter? I post up a pic a day, usually mon-fri but i hit the weekend twitter post when I can.

This Thursday my Band Feed The Feeble is playing a show@ Avalon in Costa Mesa. Check it out if you are free. Dj Old Boy will be playing nothing but good tunes whenever the live music is coming through.


Cut throat bitch

I am shooting at 7am tomorrow for a couple shot. They are engaged and it is a close I decided to take on this task for love. Marriage? not for me just yet. Give me some time. Right now I think it is a bad idea for anyone to get married, but ANYWAYS! I still love you.
This coming week my band The Vespertines is recording at The compound studio in Long Beach. Should be funnnn.

We miss the Moon Walker

Recently I went and saw Ray LaMontagne perform. It was pretty good. He is an amazing character, really interesting. At the show he had the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra backing him. That really brought in a new energy...but im not sure if I liked it.

Tomorrow is the show at Stardust Lounge in Downey, CA.
7643 Firestone Blvd 90214
My band Goes on@9pm.

Today I finished my promo concepts for the book, postcards, and a few other little things that hopefully get a big response.

Random: We all miss Michael Jackson and his music. PEACE!



So my band is now the vespertines. We changed our name? YES!!! because we love this damn name!!!! The Vespertines! Say it three times and you will just fall in love as well.
go to: to check us out.
We are going into the studio in a few weeks to record our Album, idk if I am allowed to tell you the Title I will just wait on that one. But it is going to be AMAZING!

In other news(news about me:) My web site is now up and running! So....
That is where you can get your hard on...or get wet. Whatever. Let me know if you enjoy it :)

Yann Tiersen (Thanks Menchie:)
This Man is AMAZING! I love his music


Show me

Go Hump day! Today is the birthday of my good friend Alex Kater. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Besides that... last night Feed The Feeble had a show! This time we decided to have a bassist so birthday boy picked up some strings and tore it up.... from the floor up? i forget how that one goes. We played the show along with Wild Pack of Canaries and On Blast. On Blast was SOOOOOO SICK! Everyone loved them, they played like an hour set, cops came but nooo they just kept on going. House show's are always fun.
I just got back from morrow bay...that was fun. I also went camping not too long ago and am still working on my on going 'secret' photo project. Its pretty cool. You will see it someday.

Oh!!! It was my nephews bday on sunday!!! he is getting old!


Life is Exciting

I also got some New AlienBees 1600w/s Strobes. Pretty legit!

Below Is a photo I took for for as an editorial piece. I love working with everyone on this, loads of fun.

In other news yes....The Job I landed is with and so far it has been GREAT.

Man so much is happening right now! My band is doing preproduction and getting ready to record, do our EPK interview, Album photoshoot and idk what else but im sure there is more. If you havent had a chance to check us out go visit Double-O Ghost add us, love us, hate, just give it a chance! If you do that I know you will be hooked. You can check out my other band Feed The Feeble on myspace as well. We are booking and playing shows in the near future so stay tuned to this blog or the band websites.

My website is about to launch REALLY REALLY SOON!
check out:

My new email is:
just to let you know :)

this past weekend I went and saw Ray LaMontagne and it was pretty good. Not amazing, I really want to see him in a smaller venue cause I just love being really close to the musicians and connecting way more.

Last but not least...IM LEARNING FRENCH, finally.



So I got a bunch of new equipment in the past two weeks. New lights, stands and other accessories by AlienBee. New case for my computer by pelican. And a new external Lacie Hard drive just came in the mail 5 minutes ago. Woooo.

Besides that I did a shoot yesterday with Live Elevated. We did a fashion shoot for a jewelry line, I will post a few up as soon as I finish editing! They look really good though. The model Jessica was AMAZING. Super hot, super good at what she does, super model? hmmmm...... i will let you decide in a few days!

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