This blog is about the things going on in the life of a Fine Art Photographer.

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Double-O Ghost

Recently the band decided we needed some new photos. So me having the equipment and the know how. They assigned me to do it.  Heres a couple from the shoot, have a few more im holding out on, but I hope these are the final ones!

Double-O Ghost

(left to right)Alex, Chris, Vanessa, Kyle

If you are the mood for some Psychadelic rock, punk, funk with a little bit of latin influence check us out! The band is Double-O Ghost.


Keep Moving

So school is now over for the semester. I talked with my teacher Walter Urie(awesome guy/photographer) and he gave me some good advice with the direction I should take my photography. So what I did with his advice was increase the amount of photoshoots im doing. Some will be paid some will be personal work. But I will be doing 1-3 photoshoots a week for the rest of the summer with different bands, business owners, and groups. I want to focus my photography on musicians, but I want to still do portraits of business owners in LA/OC. So if you are in a band or own a restaurant or another interesting business give me call or shoot me an email!


Heres a photo I took a few days ago.

He has a cool youtube channel.